How We Serve
The Global Service Framework of Lions Club International focuses the efforts of Lions and Leos on 5 service areas with the goal of tripling our humanitarian impact by serving 200 million people per year by 2021. The Global Service Framework complements all of the great ways clubs serve locally, and gives Lions and Leos new opportunities to help meet the growing challenges facing humanity.
No matter how you choose to serve, Lions matter now more than ever!
No matter how you choose to serve, Lions matter now more than ever!
Our Causes
- Sight & Hearing Committee
- Pilot Dogs Inc
- L.C.I.F.
- Ohio Lions Foundation
- W.C.O.L.E.B. (Dayton)
- Ohio Lions Youth Committee
- O.L.E.R.F. (General Eye Research Fund)
- O.L.E.R.F. (Bryan Diabetes Fund)
- VOSH-OH Eye Glass Sorting Center
- Northwest Ohio Lions Eye Care Foundation
- Ohio Lions Pediatric Cancer Foundation
- And More!
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West Liberty, OH
West Liberty, OH